What source is really driving your conversions? 

Understanding the sources that drive conversions is the holy grail for marketeers seeking to maximise their ROI.

It’s not enough to simply know that your marketing efforts are leading to conversions; you need to pinpoint precisely which sources are the most effective. Tools like UTM codes and Google Tag Manager events allow you to gain invaluable insights into your conversion sources – to optimise your ROI. 

The Sherlock Holmes of conversions: UTM codes and Google Tag Manager events

UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) codes and Google Tag Manager events are like the detectives of the digital marketing world. They allow you to locate where your conversions are coming from. UTM codes, which can be added to your URLs, provide a detailed breakdown of which adverts, platforms, and campaigns users interact with before converting, whereas Google Tag Manager events help you track user interactions within your website or app. 

While these tools are not infallible, they offer a comprehensive overview of your conversion sources. Armed with these insights, you can make data-driven decisions about where to allocate your marketing resources. 


Understanding the true source of your conversions is a game-changer, and  Funnelytics is a highly effective tool to offer insights. It provides a visual roadmap of your marketing funnel, revealing the secret pathways that lead to conversions. With Funnelytics, you can easily pinpoint where your website visitors are coming from, shedding light on the channels that are driving those coveted conversions. Using this data, you can create a playbook containing answers to all of the burning questions faced when presenting your marketing reports – questions like, “Which platforms are responsible for visitors clicking on the ‘Contact Us’ button?”  

With Funnelytics, you can map out the answers and have them ready at a moment’s notice. This invaluable resource helps you differentiate between the two primary advertising channels: search adverts and social adverts. Search adverts, designed for those actively seeking your product, tend to yield higher conversions. On the flip side, social adverts, strategically interrupting someone’s day, excel in building brand awareness when executed effectively. Funnelytics empowers you to keep track of which channels are propelling visitors to the finish line of your marketing funnel. So, when it comes to deciphering the driving force behind your conversions, remember that Funnelytics isn’t just a tool—it’s your digital marketing compass. 

Diversify your conversion sources   

One crucial insight from analysing your conversion sources is that conversions rarely originate from a single channel. Digital marketing is a complex ecosystem, and successful campaigns often involve a mix of paid and organic efforts. 

It’s essential to maintain a balanced approach. You should have both conversion-focused channels and brand awareness channels in your marketing strategy. The former helps drive immediate results, while the latter lays the foundation for long-term success by introducing people to your brand and what you have to offer. 

Balancing paid and organic efforts 

Conversions are often closely tied to paid advertising efforts, where you have control over targeting and visibility. Paid advertising can quickly put your product or service in front of potential customers, however, it’s crucial not to neglect organic efforts. 

Organic channels, like SEO and content marketing, may not provide immediate gratification, but they have enduring value. They help people discover your brand naturally and can reduce your reliance on paid advertising in the long-run, allowing you to divert investment into other areas of your business. 

Final thoughts… 

Data is your most helpful ally when it comes to understanding the source of what’s really driving your conversions. UTM codes, Funnelytics, and Google Tag Manager

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