Marketeer Moments

An event series and community for in-house marketeers to learn and grow.

Marketeer Moments Image

Why we do it

Founder and serial marketeer Charlotte Johnson has worked in-house for brands all over the world and also in agencies. After setting up and developing multiple marketing businesses, she was frustrated with the lack of technical and tactical training for marketing teams and with the lack of places to go to build relationships with fellow marketeers to support and learn from each other. So, she created the Marketeer Moments community and events.

How we do it

We invite in-house marketers to apply to join the community; we offer a private online community to support each other through questions and shares. Plus our in-person training events and workshops are all free.
The private group is on LinkedIn and our events are in Soho London.

What we will do

We are building a growing community of marketers to learn and grow together in a safe space. We cover the latest developments in marketing, human behaviour and technology. We discuss and work through the top challenges that marketing teams face. We take the top asked-for topics from our online community and present solutions, ideas and training at our in-person events.

What's on

Performance marketing – how to build incremental gains week on week through AI and Tech  

This session will go in-depth into how to build 1% improvements week on week in performance marketing to improve marketing qualified leads and support sales. 

This event focuses on every level of the funnel, demonstrating the latest tools and best practices in conversion marketing. 

Thursday 26 September Talk: 4:30pm
Networking: 5:30pm GMT

Soho Works, 72-74 Dean St, London W1D 3SQ​

Thursday 26 September Talk: 4:30pm
Networking: 5:30pm GMT

Soho Works, 72-74 Dean St, London W1D 3SQ​

Catapult your conversions – how to improve your online conversions 

In this event, we will be looking at how brands can improve conversions and sell more online, this is relevant for e-commerce B2C and B2D brands. 

Thursday 31 October Talk: 4:30pm
Networking: 5:30pm GMT

Soho Works, 72-74 Dean St, London W1D 3SQ​

Thursday 31 October Talk: 4:30pm
Networking: 5:30pm GMT

Soho Works, 72-74 Dean St, London W1D 3SQ​

Marketeer Moments winter party

The Somers Town Coffee House

Time to celebrate our collective achievements of the year. Drinks and food are on us!

And we will be hosting a marketing and brand-inspired pub quiz!

Thursday 28 November 5:00pm - 10:00pm GMT

60 Chalton St, London NW1 1HS

Thursday 28 November 5:00pm - 10:00pm GMT

60 Chalton St, London NW1 1HS

Marketeer Testimonials Image
  • "I really felt like today's event covered everything from all different angles. I learnt how to look at every aspect of the funnel and that the smallest of improvements can make big gains." Richard Berry CRM Manager at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
  • “It was extremely insightful to learn how we can implement these new tools into everyday marketing strategies.” Georgia Maughan Marketing Manager at The Department
  • “It was so nice to hear so many voices all within the same community!” Adele Powell Digital Strategy Manager at Social Southmayed

Past events

25 July 2024

WTF happened to SEO = Ai did

SEO is the marketing channel that has been impacted the most by AI (so far). If your brand has worked hard over the years to create strong SEO through years of articles, blogs and content this work has not been wasted…but it's certainly not as important any more. It's no longer about how you talk about the brand, but how people are talking about you. This user-centric approach is the new frontier of SEO. Join us for an interesting talk and debate that aims to get under the skin of this vital topic.

20 June 2024

Marketeer Moments Summer Party

A chance to enjoy a cocktail in the sun in the lovely rooftop area in Hyde Park, with like-minded marketeers, whether we need to rant, share experiences or ask for help, this community is there to help each other. 

It has been so wonderful to see how the community has grown and helps each other during our events so we launched 2 parties this year to just have some time to have a bit of fun!

23 May 2024

Brand Guidelines vs Playbooks – why they are crucial to protecting your brand 

We'll explore some of the best examples of guidelines and playbooks to ensure you are familiar with your tone of voice, your grammar rules and all forms of digital execution.

On top of this, we will also uncover the main differences between guidelines and a playbook and why you need both.  

25 April 2024

Websites – how to continuously improve them to convert using analysis tools 

Stop seeing your website as a project you work on every few years and instead, implement systems and budgets to work on incremental gains all year round! 

Learn how to analysis your website performance and how to brief these changes to your developers. Also, you’ll learn how to increase your conversions.

21 March 2024

Dashboard of dreams – how to use AI reporting tools that enable you to build custom dashboards and dream reports.  

In this interactive workshop, you'll learn the latest in AI-powered dashboard technology, Microsoft PowerBI and automation, plus how to set up reports that makes your data, clear and simplified. 

Additionally, discover how to build a compelling narrative from your dashboard numbers.  

29 February 2024

Budget – how to maximise your budget + manage the difference between targets + budget not aligning

In this interactive workshop, we will look at different ways to set your marketing budget, how to link targets to your spend and how to determine how much budget.

25 January 2024

Strategy – how to build AI + Automation into your marketing strategy

62% of marketeers used AI in their marketing activities in 2023.

Learn how to deliver more with the same resource and budget using the latest AI and Automation tools and how we can use these tools more effectively to drive results. 

23 November 2023

Catapult your conversions

How to map, track and measure your marketing activities to increase conversions.

19 October 2023

Bridging the gap between sales and marketing: a LinkedIn Masterclass

In this 4 part online workshop we discussed how to build confidence in your team to convert, advertising strategies and advertising options, followed by how to automate your inbound messaging on LinkedIn.

14 September 2023

How to catapult your conversions

Marketeer Moments presented an in-person workshop in how to catapult your conversions. A three part presentation and workshop in how to improve the; start, middle and end of your funnel. We talked about performance marketing at its best, whether you’re B2B, C or D.

14 June 2023

AI + The Law – Who Owns What

This explosive debate with our expert legal panel covered how we protect brands in the wild west of innovative AI tools in marketing. Our best event yet with global participants dialing in to question our legal experts.

13 April 2023

The Future Of Marketing With AI

This sold out explosive event covered all the advancing ai tools in marketing, it sparked such a debate on how marketers can use AI it lead to our next event Ai+The Law who owns what.

30 November 2022

Demystifying Marketing

Demystify marketing’s bad name in collaboration with the team at Sapio Research to present findings, followed by a round table debate and workshop where we equipped the attendees with tools and tactics to reinstate faith in marketing.