Marketeers adapting as they move away from

Kantar’s 2024 Media Reactions report, highlights that 54% of businesses are reallocating their budgets and shifting from This significant decline in trust has led many brands to reduce ad spending, with 26% of marketers planning to cut their budgets further for 2025. This trend is driven by concerns over brand safety, innovation, and unpredictable changes under new leadership . Additional data suggests that X is struggling with user engagement and ad revenue declines, as many advertisers shift focus to other platforms (Sprout Social). These insights reflect the broader move among brands to reallocate marketing budgets to other social media platforms that provide more stability, trust, and engagement opportunities. So what have Marketeers been doing to adapt from this change?

Real-Time Engagement Alternatives’s strength was its immediacy—perfect for live events, customer interactions, or reactive campaigns. While other platforms may not have the same real-time focus, there’s still room to maintain that sense of engagement. Marketeers are considering integrating live-streaming or interactive Q&A sessions on Instagram or YouTube to keep audiences connected and engaged. In addition, leveraging platforms like Discord and Reddit to build active, engaged communities around brands is a possibility. These spaces provide more opportunities for direct interaction mirroring the old format of Twitter, fostering deeper customer loyalty

Amend content format

With budgets now being redirected to platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Google, marketeers have to completely reimagine their content strategy. This isn’t just about switching platforms; it’s about rethinking formats. The move invite in-house marketeers to embrace the dynamic potential of video, visual storytelling, and creative formats. TikTok thrives on short, impactful videos, while Instagram or Pinterest will lean on stunning visuals to engage users. Adapting to these platforms is key to staying relevant.

Consider Niche platforms

As part of the shift, marketeers are considering niche platforms like Reddit, Discord, or Mastodon. These platforms require a more nuanced understanding of community dynamics, but they offer targeted, loyal audience segments that could provide new marketing avenues.

Don’t forget direct channels

With all these changes, we found it is still valuable to build and strengthen direct channels, such as email newsletters, branded content, and website. These owned channels put marketeers in control of audience relationship, ensuring stability regardless of shifts in social media trends.

The move away from is more than a challenge—it’s an opportunity to innovate, adapt, and push creative boundaries. By diversifying strategies, embracing new platforms, and refining data insights, marketeers can unlock fresh, impactful ways to connect with audiences and drive long-term success.