Drew & Rose team spotlight – Georgia
Hey I’m Georgia, the Midweight designer at Drew and Rose. I work on branding, web design, printed materials and animation.
What’s been your journey to getting to your role?
I studied Graphic Design at Camberwell College of Art which taught me conceptual thinking and traditional printing techniques-I love screen printing! I then honed my digital skills at Shillington (a fast-paced design boot camp) I’ve worked at Framestore–a visual effects company and in-house as a digital designer. I joined Drew and Rose over a year ago and have loved creating brands from scratch and seeing my work out in the wild.
Tell us about an exciting project you’ve worked on, what you loved about it, and what the outcomes were.
I loved working with Molten–a sister-run business that creates beautiful glassware inspired by their childhood in Bermuda. We designed and built a website to sell their unique pieces, it was a dream to work with such passionate and enthusiastic clients – and fantastic that they had sales on the day of the launch.
The most magical thing about working at Drew + Rose?
The most magical thing about working at Drew + Rose is the people. I love working in a team that genuinely cares about the clients and creating the best work possible.
How design is important for brands/business (I.e. our partners/potential partners)
Good design is essential for every brand and business. It communicates and attracts your specific audience and if executed correctly creates a powerful first impression of your brand.
A tip you would give to someone looking to get into your role
The course at Shillington is a wonderful way to fast-track your digital design skills. They offer two scholarships one-half tuition and one full tuition. I would also say keep learning and honing your skills to stay on top of the new technology and don’t be afraid to play and experiment with your designs, that is where the magic happens!
A moment you’ll never forget
I’ll never forget singing Happy Birthday to the Dalai Lama with Patti Smith at Glastonbury festival. (Followed closely by seeing Dolly Parton also at Glasto)
A connection that’s stuck with you
Meeting the inspiring designer Ken Garland when he came to teach my graphic design class at Camberwell for the day. He had an amazing eye for design and the whole class hung on his every word. He made me feel confident in my choice of pursuing design.
When you’re not at work…
I love drawing and playing on the PlayStation. Just this year I’ve started running and I’m trying to build up to running a half marathon! (Wish me luck)